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Don C. Childers Jr. Mar 9th 2005 at 10:50:30 PM
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I came to N. Africa in the spring of 1943 as a replacement. After a long ride in '40 & 8" from Casablanca to Bone. I was assigned as Radio Operator to the Antitank co. 168th Inf. Reg. 34th Div. After of the Reg. Band was captured, I was transfered to Band. And served there until after Mt. Cassino. The 34Div. moved back to Naples to go to Anzio they moved the Band to Ajaccio Corsica. Then in Sept. 1944 we landed in Marseille France.

(Originally posted Sat, September 25, 2004)


Alfred Kincer Mar 9th 2005 at 10:48:56 PM
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I have several stories in the site but I do not have my e-mail address in case you would like to contact me. I was in Co. B 48th (C) Engrs.

(Originally posted Sat, September 18, 2004)


W.Ernest Gutman Mar 9th 2005 at 10:47:29 PM
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I am looking for a photo of my Aunt Ellen's first husband James Denver Guffy He flew the Hump in WW2 in India. Please help if you can.

(Originally posted Tuesday, September 07, 2004)


Fred Vogels Mar 9th 2005 at 10:36:23 PM
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Dear Marion,
I got to know you from a message in my guestbook, where you shared your story about your search to you fathers war history. I was really touched by the way you have fullfilled your mission. A result in this website for which you can be very proud (and you are proud!). I will put a link to your site so people can see your devotion to keep up the good work. Again, thanks for sharing


Webmaster and composer of Back to Normandy

(originally posted September 06, 2004 at 01:26)


Max Schwartz Mar 9th 2005 at 10:34:02 PM
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I served with the 1306 Engineer General Service Regiment in the 3rd Army and in the 8th Army during WWII. We were trained in Camp Ellis, IL and in UK, landed on Utah Beach, fought across France, Belgium, Germany and Austria. building bridges, clearing mines and maintaining the Red Ball Road. After VE-Day we went by 40&8 boxcars to Marseilles, then by troopship to the Philippines. After VJ-Day we went to Japan as Occupation Engineers. I'm looking for veterans or their families of the 1306 Engineers.
Max Schwartz

(originally posted August 25, 2004 at 19:25)


Gene Fiducia Mar 9th 2005 at 10:32:07 PM
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I am a former member of the 631St. Engineers Light Equipment Co. activated at Camp Breckenridge Ky. June 1943 served in europe and deactivated Nov. 1945 on Luzon, Philippines. My unit was awarded 5 battle stars and a meritorious service plaque.Helped construct the 1180' floating Bailey Bridge at Bad Godesberg on the Rhine River Mar. 1945.

(originally posted August 25, 2004 at 16:33)


Fred R. Edgar, Jr. Mar 9th 2005 at 10:27:44 PM
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My father, Fred R. Edgar, was a chaplain in the 36th and the 34th Infantry Division in WWII. He served in North Africa and Italy for 36 months. I'm interested in hearing any info from anyone who knew him. Mt father died in 1984 in Dallas Texas after being in the ministry for 50 years. Blessings on you all.

(originally posted 08-12-04)


Nancy Miller Hammond Mar 9th 2005 at 10:26:05 PM
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How great that you've honored your dad and his friends in this way!
My dad was with the 12th Armored Division (assigned to the 493rd AFA as a Forward Air Observer). They also have a web site ( and a museum in Abilene, TX (where they finished their training at Camp Barkeley before being sent to the ETO in Sept '44).

(originally posted 08-10-04)


Michael J. Brodhead Mar 9th 2005 at 10:21:19 PM
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You have produced a fine website. Veterans of other units and their families should be so lucky as to have someone like you compiling their units' histories.


(originally posted 08-10-04)


Steve Cole Mar 9th 2005 at 10:20:05 PM
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I received your email. Checked out your site. Really good job. There are a lot of units there were assigned to Army and Corps that are relatively unknown. I've had someone write to ask about the 85th Combat Engineers and I could find very little. I'm expecting you to do your homework and have a good history of these combat engineers.

History of 5th Army Patch:
There is a letter in the musuem at Fort Sam Houson (TX) and first design of the patch. The ORIGINAL 5th Army patch was a white pentagon with 5 red stars in it. Gen Clark came up with an idea for a new one and described what he wanted it in this memo. One of his aides drew it up and had the first one made for him.

I found a few minor mistakes in some of your comments. I'll email you. Don't forget to check out my website on the Italian Campaign---but it focuses on the period AFTER your Dad's unit left for Germany.
Steve C~~~

(originally posted 08-07-04)


angie999 Mar 9th 2005 at 10:18:46 PM
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Great work you are doing here. It will be good to see how it develops.

originally posted 08-07-04)


Ed Bub Mar 9th 2005 at 10:17:51 PM
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Great site - My father, Philip E. Bub was a member of the 36th Combat Engineers from 1942 thru the end of the war. I'll always be proud of his contribution, and the rest of those who served all those years ago.

(originally posted 08-03-04)


Rod O'Barr Mar 9th 2005 at 10:16:46 PM
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Through the magic of the internet we are able honor a generation that saved the free world. To them we are forever grateful.

(originally posted 08-02-04)


Alfred L. Kincer Mar 9th 2005 at 10:15:28 PM
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Thanks for all your efforts Marion. I hope to contribute often. I commanded Co. B 48th Engineer (C) Bn. Perhaps more of our children will be more interested if they see the life we lived from 1942-45.

(originally posted 07-30-04)


Bader40 Mar 9th 2005 at 10:14:23 PM
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Great site marion, i will register to join your bulletin board soon.

Keep up the good work!

(originally posted 07-30-04)


Annie Witt Mar 9th 2005 at 10:11:20 PM
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Marion is my daughter

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Plymouth, MI

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Marion! Your Mom saw the site and loved it! Deborah

(originally posted 07-28-04)


Donna Bayes Mar 9th 2005 at 10:09:55 PM
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Through Terrie Washington

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Congratulations on an outstanding website! What a tribute to those brave men who fought for our freedom!

Donna Bayes
Proud daughter of
Lt Richard B Sigle
B-24 Bomber Pilot WWII

(originally posted 07-24-04)


Terrie J. Washington Mar 9th 2005 at 10:07:33 PM
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Marion contacted me

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Those Engineers were awesome! I'm so excited to see this site dedicated to them, and what a beautiful site it is!

Thanks for the email Marion, I'll be sending you some photos (or maybe I'll just put it all on a cd and mail). If I can be of any assistance please let me know. I don't have all of dad's story, only what he would share, so I'll email it to you. I know dad lost his best friend by his side. I tried to get dad's records, but they said that they were lost or burned (I can't remember).

If anyone remembers my father, or can share information about my father James B. Washington, I sure would appreciate it, as he and Louise Mendrina? had a son overseas named Jorge and I would like to find him.

Thank you,

Terrie J. Washington-Routh
Daughter of James B. Washington,
36th Combat Engineers

(originally posted 07-20-05)


Heather Johnson Mar 9th 2005 at 10:04:56 PM
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Marion is my cousin

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I think this is great. At the same time your learning about your dad, your teaching us all something and helping others learn about their loved ones. Your doing awsome! Keep up the good work :)
All our love
The Johnson Family

(originally posted 07-15-04)


Art Morneweck Mar 9th 2005 at 10:03:12 PM
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met Marion on a forum

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Novi, MI

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WW2 Veteran. Keep up the good work.
We were the romantic generation.

(originally posted 07-15-04)


Mike Midgett (Nam 67-68) Mar 9th 2005 at 10:01:21 PM
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Outstanding site, thanks for all the info, keep up the good work.

(originally posted 07-12-04)


Renae Morin Mar 9th 2005 at 09:36:37 PM
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friend of Marion

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This is such a great site that is very interesting and informative! Thanks Marion for sharing all this information with the world.



Marion Chard Mar 9th 2005 at 08:52:05 PM
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It's mine!

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Alger, MI USA

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Hi and welcome to our new guestbook. Please feel free to sign in and let us know that you were here. We appreciate your interest in the VI Corps Combat Engineers of WWII!



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